How to make me SMILE:

featuredIn this world full of sadness and depression, there are also a bajillion of things that can make me or even just a regular person, HAPPY. ☺️
Soooo let us see what are the few things that can make me happy!

Basically, you can see the happy side and some things that can make me happy in my first blog “Basically, this is me” and also in my “About me” section in this site. But those are way too basic happiness of me. I laugh way too hard, and I smile A LOT! LIKE SMILE IS MY SECOND NAME. πŸ˜‚ Achieving this happy life is you need to be worry free, less stress, stop hate and make peace. Love love love love and love. Love can make every single person happy. But lets now jump on the things that makes me happy and reasons why I am happy. 😊

Β  Β  Β  1. Being MYSELF– being myself is my number one reason why I am happy af. Like I am just happy on what I have and what I have become. This is me and my life and I am proud on what I have done and achieved! πŸ’–πŸ’ž


2. Family and Friends– damn, they are one of the reasons why I am happy. Even sometimes they make me sad, but they NEVER EVER failed to make me smile. Especially my family, Mom and Dad, Ate Ivy and JB. My friends aka the tropa aka Tags, Shayka, Khalid, Casey, Julfa, Syxtyn, Iji, and Ben. Also includes my 9th grade family, the Harmonggos, and 8th grade fam, HMLT guys plus the 7th grade fam, the unbeatable Wildcats. ❀️❀️

3. Music– music is life. Its like my sister, part of me. Because in every emotion that I feel, there’s always a song indicated to it. Especially that I met one of the most important people in my life because of music, One Direction (5/5). And singing in stage becomes my playground. Also with matching guitar/bass/drums playing. Dayuuum. 😎

4. Food– why not smile on food? It is the most basic reason why majority of the people smile. It is just because food is life. Dayummmmm. How can u not resist food?! PS, food is my bae πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

5. Prayers– can you see my halo? πŸ˜‡ Yup I do always pray. It is my way of escaping reality and also a way to relief any problems. God is good. πŸ˜‡

6. Little Things– small things give me huge happiness. Like even you just give me a simple letter it will erase all the bad things that happened. But when you did something extravagant my heart will sink and I will die. Like I do appreciate things a lot. ❀️❀️ PS anything with “β­οΈβ€οΈπŸΆπŸ»β˜οΈπŸŽ€πŸŒΈπŸ­” everything will better for me.

7. Lastly, making someone smile– if he or she will smile because of me, I would die. Because making people smile, makes my heart big and fluffy. And because for me, smiling is contagious. So keep smiling. ❀️😊

There are a lot of things that can make people happy. Especially me, its not just a joke and i will be fine. There are bajillion reason why I am happy. And most important? Writing, blogging, studying, education and cooking. Just a few but those made a huge difference in my life. Thanks for being part of my life and making me smile! I love you for that! 😘😘
All the love,

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